Dopo lunghi anni di impegno nell’attività imprenditoriale, Mario Sutor ci presenta ora le nuove realizzazioni che la sua polivalente vena creativa ha elaborato negli ultimi anni.
Alle opere spontaneamente nate dalle materie industriali prodotte nella sua azienda, si aggiungono inattesi collages, oggetti e rappresentazioni plastiche. Frutto di una naturale voglia di sperimentare spesso impertinente e arguta, si affacciano al nostro sguardo pulsanti skyline di inedite metropoli, paesaggi infuocati e teneri notturni, astrazioni lucide e introspettive alternate a vivide esplosioni della fantasia. Vetro, acciaio, ceramica, carta, legno, tessuto e ogni improbabile reperto della quotidianità si aggregano in un concerto di “materie in libertà” irriverente e comunque provocatorio.


MARIO SUTOR has worked for many years in the corporate sector – but now he brings to us new objects to which his multifaceted creativity has inspired him in recent times.
These objects include works which arose spontaneously from the industrial materials which were manufactured in his Company – but they also comprise unusual collages and three-dimensional objects and images. Our eye is drawn to pulsating skylines of unknown cities, to tender evening landscapes with a touch of fire, to lucid and introspective abstractions alternating with vivid explosions of the imagination. All these are the products of his innate desire to experiment in an often challenging and witty way. Glass, steel, pottery, paper, wood, fabrics, and every kind of improbable objet trouvé – all these come together in an irreverent, even provocative medley of “materials liberated from themselves”.